Insalaco hits the post on Ignatius' first possession
Kopale lobs a shot over the goal on the other end
Insalaco scores from 2m
Kleist assists Arciniega on a breakaway goal
Stelnicki with a transition steal, blocked by Abbott...
...Stelnicki gets the loose ball and feeds Maloney on a shot from
outside 5m
Murphy blocks a shot attempt by Williamson
Insalaco assists Stelnicki on a goal from the right side
Bryar's shot attempt on a 6-on-5 is blocked by Maloney
Insalaco shoots over the goal; Abbott later blocks a shot attempt by
Ignatius' with a 6-on-5 at the end of the period but they fail to convert
End of Period 1 - St Ignatius 3 Mother McAuley 1
Bryar forces a turnover after the swimoff and feeds Kleist on a
breakaway goal
Abbott denies a shot attempt by Stelnicki from 7m
Murphy with a steal but Insalaco shoots over the goal
McAuley draws an ejection but Murphy blocks a shot by Kleist
Fernandez draws an ejection but Abbott elevates to make a crucial save
Murphy blocks a shot by Bryar on the other end
Arciniega tries a lob shot but Murphy makes a save
Abbott makes a save and starts the McAuley offense...
...and Kopale assists Bryar on a goal from the left post after an
Ignatius' ejection
Martinez earns a steal, her breakaway attempt is denied by Abbott...
...but Fernandez gets to the rebound to score and give Ignatius a 4-3
lead at the half
End of Period 2 - St Ignatius 4 Mother McAuley 3
Arciniega with a quick score to start the second half
Both offenses stall on their next respective possessions
Izquierdo scores a breakaway goal to give McAuley their first lead
Ignatius draws an ejection but they hit the post with their best shot
Bryar just misses from 2m on the other end
Nothing doing for either team on their last three trips down the pool
Izquiero makes a key block late in the period to keep McAuley in the lead
End of Period 3 - Mother McAuley 5 St Ignatius 4
Early breakaway chance for Mcauley, but Murphy denies Williamson's shot
Stelnicki scores from 7m to tie the game
Bryar lobs a shot in from 4m to put McAuley ahead by a goal
Stelnicki scores from the left side to even things midway through the
final quarter
Both defenses not allowing any solid scoring chances
Maloney lobs a shot over the goal from 5m
Bryar tries to win the game with a last-second shot, but it hits the bar
and goes over as time expires
End of Period 4 - St Ignatius 6 Mother McAuley 6
St Ignatius - Tammy Stelnicki (3), Maggie Maloney, Rebecca
Insalaco, Stephanie Fernandez
Mother McAuley - Clare Bryar (2), Vicky Arciniega (2), Adrianna
Izquierdo, Kristen Kleist