Editor's note: Chris Fetterman is the boys' water polo
coach at Hoffman Estates High School and a journalism major at Roosevelt
University. He will be contributing articles and assisting in the running
of Illpolo.com for the 2009 season.
ENTRY #1 - "Writer's Block"
by Chris Fetterman
I have been having a hard time trying to come up with a
story to begin my quest as the greatest water polo writer to ever live. I
have had countless interviews with coaches, referees and
players that never grew out of the game. I still have had the
hardest time thinking of a way to knock your socks off. Something
so intriguing that you will want to wake up every Tuesday morning to
check illpolo.com, not for
scores and detailed highlights but for my next blog entry or story. My hope is to become the Hemingway of water polo…but I would settle for
two hits a week. That would mean someone cared enough about water polo or
found my thoughts to be interesting enough to check it out each week. Of
course there is always a chance I fail miserably.
Here is what two hits a week looks like…
1. Two people are reading my articles; Aaron Brown,
the creator and editor of this web site, and myself. We both
only read the story once. They were so bad that we never bothered
reading them again.
2. My mom reads Page 2 and loves it so much, she reads
it one more time just to meet my “two-hits-a-week” quota..
3. Both hits are from me.
4. And… last but not least, I have to go to the page
5,000 times myself just to make myself look good.
It is highly difficult to find actual story lines for
this sport. Maybe once the season is underway, but with one month to go,
I am at a loss. But, I will try and get the ball rolling here…
First and foremost I would like to thank those of you
who have read this far (I can imagine how leaving Facebook for 5 minutes
must feel, keep reading) And I would like to thank Mr. Brown for hiring
me on, to hopefully take on some of the burden this site has become. This
site as most of you know, started off as a small voluntary job for him and
has since turned into the best, not only water polo website, but one of
the best sports websites I have ever seen (and I am volunteering for this
gig, so I am just being honest) Ok, enough of the sentimental stuff, this
is water polo.
A couple of things I hope for…
1. This site becomes so popular that I we never have to
have day jobs again.
2. I get to go to the page myself 5,000 times, just to
make myself look good. (and in case that went over your head, I am ok with
going to the site 5,000 times to make myself look good).
3. Will Ferrell quits his George W. Bush one-man-show to
start a new one where he reads my stories in front of an audience.
4. I cant walk down the street without being recognized,
not as the guy who looks kind of like Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Jack
Black, but as that Pulitzer Prize winning writer from
I firmly believe at least two of those will
happen, but I won’t hold my breath on the others.
Rather than boring you with my life story, or how I got
involved in this sport (wait for week 3), I really just wanted to introduce
you to my new page, and give you a little taste of what is to come.
I am really anticipating an exciting season for both
boys’ and girls’ this year. I am the head coach for the Hoffman Estates
Boys’ team (in case you didn’t recognize the face or the name) and I am
also the founder of the Beached Whales Water Polo Club.
With water polo making a name for itself in this state, I
personally would love to see it grow into something bigger, which is what
this whole web site is all about. There are so many people putting in a
ton of hours to make sure we all have fun playing the sport we all love so
much. So, my contribution, besides attempting a run at the
Mid-Suburban League crown, is
to write down my ideas, talk to as many people as I can, and write
amazing stories that promote this fine game of ours.
Throughout the season, I am going to try and interview some
of the really great people in this sport; veteran coaches, established
officials, and some of the sport's top athletes come to mind.
So, despite the few days I have spent staring at my
computer screen, typing out different Doogie Howser, M.D. journal entries
while humming the catchy theme song, trying to avoid writing my first
article, I think this entry will certainly do for now and I hope you
are just as excited about what is to come for the 2009 season as I am.
I am not going to actually worry about two hits a week,
or 1,000. Rather, I am going to write until I get my first comment (hopefully some good ones) or I am asked to become a writer for
Scrubs or Curb your Enthusiasm, whichever comes first.
Good luck to all the teams, coaches and officials this
season. I’ll see all of you 'Poolside' soon!