7:00 McAuley wins the swim-off; Chavez
scores from 2m on McAuley's first possession
6:00 Perez draws an ejection but McAuley
commits an offensive foul
5:00 Nelson scores from outside 5m for
4:57 Virella blocks a shot by Ryan from the
left post and McAuley retains possession
4:30 Perez with a steal on the offensive end
but McAuley shoots over the net on their next chance
4:00 Wilson forces a turnover; McNamara
makes a save on Nelson's 7m shot
3:42 Cortez draws an ejection but Virella
makes a save on McAuley's shot attempt
3:00 Ryan hits the post from the left side
but gets her own rebound
2:54 Chavez draws a penalty shot but Virella
denies her attempt out-of-bounds
2:40 Perez fights for a loose ball at 2m
and scores her fifth goal of the half
2:00 McNamara elevates to make her second
save of the half
1:50 Ryan hits the post from the right wing
and Central gets possession
1:30 Cortez lobs a shot over the net;
McNamara with a save on Central's next chance
1:00 Virella denies Ryan from the left wing
0:35 Perez makes a steal but gets called for
an ejection
0:24 Nelson draws a penalty shot by forcing
the goalie to push the ball under
0:24 Fleming scores on the penalty shot
to make the score 9-4
0:10 Shamburek with a steal at 2m; McNamara
makes a last second save
END OF QUARTER 2 -McAuley 9 Naperville Central 4